Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who Let the Dogs Out?

I'm the annoying woman who wants to take her little dog everywhere. You've seen the dog in someone's lap at a restaurant or on a plane- that's me! When do they cease to be just an animal and become a companion?
Gus is a Jack Russell Terrier who has had boundless energy and has delighted his owner with his antics. He recently suffered some type of stroke and for days just layed around. He recovered and is back to his zippy self! I painted this watercolor of him to celebrate.
Farlin was a graceful Greyhound that went to work with her owner at a title company. Everyone at work loved her and when she passed, they all went together and commissioned me to paint her.
Tigger the kitty loved roses! She would attack them and play with them for hours. Her owners gave her a rose every year for her birthday. When she passed it only made sense to include a rose in the painting.

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